Wednesday, June 24, 2009

oh, my aching rib!

3rd trimester starts today!

my lil dude, Jaxon, hangs out on the right side of his nice little home. it's pretty cool... i can really feel hum right now--i'm not always sure what i'm touching--his butt? his head? but either way, it's pretty cool.
but, since that's where he hangs out, the area around my lower right ribs is sooooo achey! it's like i need to add about another inch of space below the rib just for him. and to think...i have 3 more months to go! it feels like something is constantly pushing into the ribs and the solar plexus area. i can only imagine it will get worse.
i suppose i should be thankful this is pretty much the "worst" problem i've had since being pregnant-- no "morning" sickness, thank God!

the countdown's on....

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jaxon likes it when...

6 months along, 3 more to go.
Jaxon is a mover--I definitely think he is working on his Jedi training. Very cute, if I do say so myself. He seems to really respond when his daddy talks to him with his hand on my belly. Jaxon will kick his hand.
I also think Jaxon likes it when I sing. Now I'm the first to say I don't have the best singing voice, but when I'm singing along with something--especially if it has a sustained note and is in a major key, he moves extra. Maybe it gives him the right energy to focus on his training?