Monday, September 7, 2009

waiting on Baby Jaxon Jedi Kane

I'm 37 wks and a few days.
I'm 1 cm dilated now for over a week.
I'm 90% effaced.
He's at +1 station.
I'm still having contractions, and they're still pretty irregular...but seem to be getting stronger.
I don't think I've lost my mucus plug.
I have NO IDEA when he'll make his grand entrance...but I know we're not due for another 2 1/2 weeks. I wish there was a definitive way to tell!
So, until then, I'm going to keep working and getting ready for the lil man, both at home and at school!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

soon? possibly.

tomorrow I'll officially be 37 weeks. wow. seems like it wasn't too long ago that we were telling people we were pregnant. and now we're about to have a lil man in our lives. so hard to wrap my mind around sometimes--how much your life changes all in the course of a few months.
as he gets bigger, i've been getting a bit more nervous about the birth, itself.
then my brain gave me a dream in which it all went relatively smoothly--moral? don't worry. it will happen the way it's meant to.
now if i can just get everything done @ work before he gets here.
i love you Baby Jax and can't wait to meet you!!