Thursday, March 25, 2010

6 months...where does the time go?

it doesn't seem like it was that long ago that my Jax was a baby in the belly. and now he's a little over 6 months.
so much has happened in the little lifespan of his. it's hard to believe we've come this far...
and lived to tell about it! haha

all the developmental "milestones" (as they say) are just amazing--each and every time he does something new, my heart smiles. and his happy squeal is one of the best sounds in the whole world.

as different as my life is these days, and as much as i miss things about the times before, i am SOOO immensely glad i have a little Jedi in my life. true--very little of what we have experienced with him has been easy. he is truly a "high-needs" baby. (those of you that say they all are, read up on baby is the DEFINITION of it!) but he is an amazing gift for both Josh and me. he is the most important thing in the world to us both and i can't imagine not having him.
i love my Jax and i know he loves me too.