little Jaxon's a mover and a shaker--DEFinitely. he loves to move around when there's music playing. he also seems to enjoy the time from about 10-12 or so... guess he's a night owl like his daddy, perhaps.
went to a drum circle/dance jam on saturday night in corpus this past weekend...i danced a bit and Jaxon danced a lot! it's pretty interesting, but usually when I'M moving, he's not--like he's checking it all out. so at my bellydance practices he's usually pretty chill.
we enjoyed our little foray to the beach this past weekend. the water was awesome, Jaxon was failry chill while i was IN the water, but once i was out and reaidng a book in the shade, he as making his presence known.
can't wait to see what he's like when we meet him!
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