8 months and counting. the boy continues to grow and learn. it's amazing how much he has changed in his short life span. i look back at pictures taken over the course of these last 8 months and it's mind-boggling. it truly is.
- as previously mentioned, he gives kisses these days. and they are super sweet! sometimes they're slobbery, but often, they are not and just the sweetest thing in the world.
- he's on the move! Jaxon is now crawling--although it's more of an army crawl. he is fast and constantly moving!
- pulling himself up. he uses all kinds of things to pull up and stand:
- his exersaucer
- Mommy or Daddy (or anyone else who's around)
- the wobbly ol' coffee table
- anything he can "climb" on that will enable him to stand

- the "fussy" voice. he definitely lets you know when he doesn't like something--VERY LOUDLY. it's like he's yelling "HEY!"at you. and the face he makes with it is freaking hilarious! it's like he is making his voice as deep as he can, but since he's only a baby, it just ends up sounding cute.
- finger foods
- for a while we've been trying to let him use his fingers to grab food and feed himself. he's getting pretty good at it too, although kiwi can be troublesome at times.
- he gets around the difficulties with the slippery foods by either:
- scooting it to the edge of the tray, putting his mouth right there and pushing it into his mouth. very ingenious!
- grabbing it as best as he can with one hand and using the other hand to help hold it in place on the way to his mouth. smart baby!
- "talking"
- Jax is definitely a conversationalist. he is always babbling away. he has certain sounds he makes for certain things. examples:
- "khee"--referring to our cat, Chee. it's a very "breathy" sound. and he looks for her, "points" to her, smiles and says "khee". awesome. where's the "ma-ma" and "da-da"?
- "bah"--referring to food or a bottle or nursing.
- "d-d-d-d-d-"--anytime he's happily playing he uses this sound over and over again.
- "ma! ma!"--when he's upset, he yells/cries this. definitely sounds like he's calling to me.
- and he did, the other day, pat Josh on the chest and say "da-da". awesome!
I have a big goofy grin. Thanks for this update and it sounds as if his mind is forming at lightening speed. He is one smart kiddo and has two of the best parents ever. I can't wait to see him next month and hopefully in August too.