Monday, February 24, 2014

Gluten....ugh (a non-Jaxon post)

So, this weekend, I inadvertently had couscous in my veggie soup. Sounds yummy, right?
Well, it tasted really good, and I ate about ½ of it before I realized there was couscous. I thought, “I didn’t have that much. I should be ok.” Unfortunately, I’m still feeling the effects the next day… and probably will tomorrow as well.

There are a lot of people who choose to avoid foods and beverages containing gluten. Some people have an actual allergy-celiac. Others are merely "sensitive". There is research suggesting that gluten is "bad" for all of us--at least in great quantities. There is also research that "divides" us into 3 segments--those who have celiac, those who are sensitive, and those who have no adverse reactions whatsoever.

I am one who is "sensitive". Of course, given the nature of life, there are varying degrees of sensitivity. When you tell people it's not an allergy, it's a "sensitivity", they look at you like you're picky and high maintenance. There's also a certain element of a you're-just-being-dramatic look.

Let me dispel the "overly dramatic" myth.
Dizziness. Lightheadedness. Migraines.
Cramps. Bloating. Stomachaches.
Inability to eat, exercise, or otherwise participate in much other than lying curled up in a fetal position. These are the immediate effects. There is nothing that helps. Nothing that takes away the uncomfortableness.

On top of it all, there are residuals that plague me for days afterwards.

This is my life when I have gluten. And I’m not allergic. I do not have celiac. I’ve been tested for it! Can you imagine if I did?? Who knows, maybe the test was wrong. Can a biopsy be wrong?

I don’t know, but when things aren’t labeled correctly or disclosed, it causes great discomfort. For me and others around me. Trust me, if I could, I would. I miss cakes and cookies. I really miss pizza. I miss bread and pasta. Just trust me when I say I “can’t have gluten.” Don’t make me feel like I am overreacting or being dramatic. Don’t tell me to “eat around it” or that a little “won’t be that bad, right?”. That’s insensitive of you.

I don’t miss feeling like crap and being out of commission. Not. At. All.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

moves like...Jaxon

My boy's got some moves. For reals.
My first impulse is to say, "Where'd he get those?" But, who am I kidding? He's my son.

I have a happy dance for when I'm eating--especially if it's food I really like. Can't help it. I love food.

I dance in the grocery store to the music...I mean some serious getting down. People around me must think I'm insane. Funny. I don't do that when shopping with the hubs. Only solo grocery shopping or with Jax.

I mean, I dance to nothing at all. No music. Just my own music I hear in the white noise...or my head.

This kid didn't have a chance against the "gotta dance" gene.

He's got some very interesting moves. Some super fancy footwork along with ninja spins. I dig.
Maybe he can teach me some of those moves...