Tuesday, February 18, 2014

moves like...Jaxon

My boy's got some moves. For reals.
My first impulse is to say, "Where'd he get those?" But, who am I kidding? He's my son.

I have a happy dance for when I'm eating--especially if it's food I really like. Can't help it. I love food.

I dance in the grocery store to the music...I mean some serious getting down. People around me must think I'm insane. Funny. I don't do that when shopping with the hubs. Only solo grocery shopping or with Jax.

I mean, I dance to nothing at all. No music. Just my own music I hear in the white noise...or my head.

This kid didn't have a chance against the "gotta dance" gene.

He's got some very interesting moves. Some super fancy footwork along with ninja spins. I dig.
Maybe he can teach me some of those moves...

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