Tuesday, May 13, 2014

4 going on...14??

At 4 and 1/2 Jaxon is larger than life. A whirlwind of dance moves, improv songs and stories, and a plethora of questions and conversation.

He's got a great sense of humor and quite the personality. He's an interesting combination of shy and look-at-me. All of that is well and good, and I have to say, even expected. What I didn't expect was the beginning of an attitude I can only classify as "teenagery". 


I fully anticipated heated discussions turning into arguments when a 12-18 year old Jaxon Jedi didn't get his way. I caught glimpses of moody stares and eye rolls in the not-so-distant future. Admittedly, I am expecting to hear many an exasperated "Mo-om!" in a deeper, yet still slightly pre-pubescent voice coupled with doors slamming and muttered curses.

I take full responsibility in the expectations of these things in the foreseeable future of life with a Jedi. Notice what I said there? 

Key word: future

I did not say the following words: now or presently or currently. But that is just what we are experiencing. Now. Presently. Currently. Well, except for that deeper, yet still slightly pre-pubescent voice. Not yet, anyway. Jax still has his slightly husky kid voice.

Jaxon knows how to throw a good fit. In fact, sometimes I worry about the integrity of the door to his room. In the world of this Jedi, you don't get one door slam. Or even two. You get at least three. Possibly four or five. He's gotta make his point after all. 

And by now, I've definitely heard many the exasperatedly sighed, "Mo-om!" when I've asked him to do something he doesn't want to do. Coupled with a dramatic eye roll. 

And the muttered, under the breath gripes have been happening for a while now. But just recently, there's a new dimension to them. And they are being used in context.

  • shut [noun] \ˈshət\
    • a close approximation to that lovely term (usually considered vulgar) in our vernacular which can be used to describe or reference a myriad of things such as:
      • a pile of unwanted things
      • literal or metaphorical fecal matter
      • the way something made someone feel 
      • interjectionally made when feeling slightly stressed

  • damnit [noun]  \ˈdamit\
    • spoken in just the right way while playing a game with some grownups when something didn't go quite right:
      • the utterance of the word damn as a curse

For real.

Kinda makes you wonder what the teenage years are going to bring. 

Did I mention he already knows how to take a selfie?
Case in point:
Exhibit A--The "I'm With a Friend Selfie"

Exhibit B--The "Lemme Show Off my Best Features Selfie"

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