Saturday, May 29, 2010

newest developments in the life of a Jedi

8 months and counting. the boy continues to grow and learn. it's amazing how much he has changed in his short life span. i look back at pictures taken over the course of these last 8 months and it's mind-boggling. it truly is.
  • as previously mentioned, he gives kisses these days. and they are super sweet! sometimes they're slobbery, but often, they are not and just the sweetest thing in the world.
  • he's on the move! Jaxon is now crawling--although it's more of an army crawl. he is fast and constantly moving!
  • pulling himself up. he uses all kinds of things to pull up and stand:
      • his exersaucer
      • Mommy or Daddy (or anyone else who's around)
      • the wobbly ol' coffee table
      • anything he can "climb" on that will enable him to stand

  •  the "fussy" voice. he definitely lets you know when he doesn't like something--VERY LOUDLY. it's like he's yelling "HEY!"at you. and the face he makes with it is freaking hilarious! it's like he is making his voice as deep as he can, but since he's only a baby, it just ends up sounding cute.
  • finger foods
    • for a while we've been trying to let him use his fingers to grab food and feed himself. he's getting pretty good at it too, although kiwi can be troublesome at times.
      • he gets around the difficulties with the slippery foods by either:
        • scooting it to the edge of the tray, putting his mouth right there and pushing it into his mouth. very ingenious!
        • grabbing it as best as he can with one hand and using the other hand to help hold it in place on the way to his mouth. smart baby!
  • "talking"
    • Jax is definitely a conversationalist. he is always babbling away. he has certain sounds he makes for certain things. examples:
      • "khee"--referring to our cat, Chee. it's a very "breathy" sound. and he looks for her, "points" to her, smiles and says "khee". awesome. where's the "ma-ma" and "da-da"?
      • "bah"--referring to food or a bottle or nursing. 
      • "d-d-d-d-d-"--anytime he's happily playing he uses this sound over and over again. 
      • "ma! ma!"--when he's upset, he yells/cries this. definitely sounds like he's calling to me. 
      • and he did, the other day, pat Josh on the chest and say "da-da". awesome!

Friday, May 7, 2010



A drop in the bucket.
eons… AND… eons…

you grow up… and apart

things that were unattainable two weeks ago are suddenly within your reach—
GET there. (SUCCESS!)

Waiting for you to do… so much.
I can’t wait—but I can’t freeze the time either.
(time stops for no… mother)

Older (and wiser?)
Older, I get
You get…older, too
Right now we are the center of each others’ worlds… but as time runs out…

Where will you run?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

the old people were right....

c'est la vie, say the old folks...

and dangit they're right. time flies when you're:
working full time.
engrossed in trying to be super mommy.
in love.

i have 2 of the most wonderful men on the planet. and i love both of them to death. it's amazing how crazy things have become. how difficult this whole "parenting thing" is. and how much i love it. i miss so much about how our lives used to be, but i am soooo in love with my little family unit. "El Jedi" is so amazing. he hasn't been an "easy" child from the get-go. in fact, i would categorize him as a "high-needs child" (there's a me on this). but he has such PERSONALITY. really he does.

case in point:

1) he loves social settings.

we took him to Eeyore's Birthday (a free freakfest in the park here in the ATX). Eeyore's is a tradition--we go every year. i dress up every year (as does everyone else). there's much fun to be had by all...and lots of it is just because you're people watching. well, Jax fits right in.
the entire day before we actually got there, he was "Mr. Fussy". nothing was making him happy. we put him in the car and he talks the whole way there. it was as if he knew he was about to experience a good ol' hippie time! walking into the park, he was just looking around at everyone and every thing, babbling to himself. we set up a blanket and he played and talked and giggled...watching people.
i think he was most amazed with the people who were hooping. i mean don't we all just watch hoopers anyway?

then we took him to see a free Bob Schneider show. he was jumping (well, with some mommy and daddy help), dancing and singing. just hammin it up. and once again, he was into watching the people. making eye contact with people that walked by...especially the ladies. my boy LOVES the ladies! and i think he likes music, too.

i love seeing my lil guy enjoying social settings like these. it makes me feel good about the way things are going to turn out. making me feel like i CAN continue to do the things i love and include him in them.

one of the things i have missed the most since Jax has been around is the music. i miss seeing shows and dancing. obviously, i won't be taking him to any late night shows any time soon, but i feel like if i can find the right daytime events, he's gonna have a great time...we all will.

he is proud of his successes. it is sooo cute. he's been able to stand (with help, of course) for quite a while now. lately he's begun holding out his hands to grab mine or Daddy's and he pulls himself up to standing. when he does it, he makes himself as tall as he can and looks around and smiles as if to say, "Look what I did!" and then he does a little baby dance. cute!

he has recently begun giving kisses. it really started about 2 months ago. he would put his open mouth onto someone's cheek and just look at them. that was his kiss. pretty slobbery, but very sweet and cute. then, just this last week, he started leaning in to kiss me. his mouth closed, he would look at my mouth and lean in towards it, plant his lips onto mine, then pull away. he would repeat this 5 or 6 times and smile.
like i said, i'm in love.
then, just yesterday, when we looked in the mirror to say "hi" to our reflections, he leaned in and kissed himself. my baby is narcissistic. but at least he's got some major personality!!